Patriarchy: Its Benefits For Women

Not the benefits like the inventions men create and the comforts they produce, which women didn’t invent and probably wouldn’t have and can’t consistently produce. (Short reasons: women rarely have the temperament for sustained careers, and women vote for socialism, which destroys the infrastructure etc.) No, I’m talking about physical safety.

I was looking for something else and came across a couple more of those brainless feminist rants about how “rape is the patriarchy’s enforcer” or some such bullshit. It pissed me off, since that’s pretty much the opposite of the truth, so let me set the record straight: patriarchy is the only hope women have of being free from violence.

In unpatriarchal societies, which are invariably either primitive tribes or else rapidly collapsing civilizations, women are raped or robbed frequently. Men have no reason not to do these things; their sole purpose is to act as sperm donor and gratify their own whims. Such tribes have no real concept of paternity, so mothers are free to raise their sons as they wish, without interference from those pesky fathers. According to feminist propaganda, these women will raise their sons to be peaceful and nonviolent and respectful to women. In reality, these fatherless boys grow up violent, rootless, and with no reason not to do whatever they feel like. Women don’t feel this lack of purpose because they are the ones who give birth. Steven Goldberg discussed in depth how women instinctively understand that as far as nature is concerned, they are where it’s at, while men, equally instinctively, know that to justify their existence, to convince nature to keep them around, they have to do more. And they do.

Patriarchy, to begin with, gives males purpose. A man who is hoping to achieve great things, to build something, to discover something, has to restrain his violent impulses. He might be able to find ways to get away with some violence (though not nearly to the degree that modern, feminist-influenced historical movies pretend), but just the same, the law (law being another male, patriarchal invention) and the fear of societal disapproval force him to control himself.

Second, patriarchy involves something feminists claim is bad, but which is in fact one of the greatest boons to mankind, namely the idea that a wife and children belong to the patriarch. This is a very different sort of possession from the ownership of an inanimate object or an animal; a man can sell an object or livestock, but he can’t auction off his wife to someone else.

This ownership gives the man a motivation to protect his wife and daughters (and sons) from threats, chiefly other men. THERE IS NO OTHER HOPE OF SAFETY FOR WOMEN. WOMEN CAN ONLY BE SAFE FROM MEN IF OTHER MEN DEFEND THEM. Men are larger, stronger and more aggressive, and if the social system gives them no motivation to defend women, as matriarchy does not, they will leave women at their fellows’ mercy.

I guess it might be nice if we were a cuddly species that never hurt each other or anything. Complain to either evolution or God about the fact that we’re not. Kindly do not, however, react by dismantling the only possible safety women and children can have in this world.

Besides compelling men to protect their wives and children, patriarchy causes men to hesitate to assault other women and children, because of the innate masculine respect for property. A glaring illustration of this can be seen in the Marquis de Sade, a communist. He once declared that since all property is theft, rape should not be illegal, since the man who wants to keep a woman all to himself is depriving all other men of her use. So much for communism being profeminist.

In addition, moral codes are invariably the product of patriarchy. Notice that now that patriarchy is being systematically eradicated in the West, morals are similarly disappearing. Women are certainly capable of being moral, though they generally require male authority to be so, but inventing and maintaining moral codes seems to be beyond them. When women have a significant amount of power in society, morality collapses.

Let’s bring back patriarchy: women’s best friend.

17 Responses to “Patriarchy: Its Benefits For Women”

  1. Artfldgr Says:

    would you believe that their solution is already working towards full implementation?

    they are criminalizing being male. and then the company formerly known as wackenhut will put all the peaceful ones to work doing what they used to do outside, but for 30 cents…

    ever notice how the worse offenders go free short, and mild things go in long?

    well, thats cause they lobby to be serious on the crimes that provide the easiest care and can do work in excess of their costs, along with the states money.

    remember the key ladies in this movement would be very happy if the only sex to have sex with was female. no?

    they are defining the utopia, so it will be what would seem to make it the best for them (but not worked out to its real conclusion).

  2. Artfldgr Says:

    would you believe that their solution is already working towards full implementation?

    they are criminalizing being male. and then the company formerly known as wackenhut will put all the peaceful ones to work doing what they used to do outside, but for 30 cents…

    ever notice how the worse offenders go free short, and mild things go in long?

    well, thats cause they lobby to be serious on the crimes that provide the easiest care and can do work in excess of their costs, along with the states money.

    remember the key ladies in this movement would be very happy if the only sex to have sex with was female. no?

    they are defining the utopia, so it will be what would seem to make it the best for them (but not worked out to its real conclusion).

  3. Artfldgr Says:

    would you believe that their solution is already working towards full implementation?

    they are criminalizing being male. and then the company formerly known as wackenhut will put all the peaceful ones to work doing what they used to do outside, but for 30 cents…

    ever notice how the worse offenders go free short, and mild things go in long?

    well, thats cause they lobby to be serious on the crimes that provide the easiest care and can do work in excess of their costs, along with the states money.

    remember the key ladies in this movement would be very happy if the only sex to have sex with was female. no?

    they are defining the utopia, so it will be what would seem to make it the best for them (but not worked out to its real conclusion).

  4. Male Chauvinist Woman Says:

    Art, you’re absolutely right. In England, you can be arrested for using Imperial measures instead of the metric system, but not for arson. (Read Theodore Dalrymple at the City Journal site.)

    And the only way we could have female dominance would be if men simply didn’t exist. But if there were no men, women wouldn’t be able to maintain a civilization without them.

  5. Male Chauvinist Woman Says:

    Art, you’re absolutely right. In England, you can be arrested for using Imperial measures instead of the metric system, but not for arson. (Read Theodore Dalrymple at the City Journal site.)

    And the only way we could have female dominance would be if men simply didn’t exist. But if there were no men, women wouldn’t be able to maintain a civilization without them.

  6. Male Chauvinist Woman Says:

    Art, you’re absolutely right. In England, you can be arrested for using Imperial measures instead of the metric system, but not for arson. (Read Theodore Dalrymple at the City Journal site.)

    And the only way we could have female dominance would be if men simply didn’t exist. But if there were no men, women wouldn’t be able to maintain a civilization without them.

  7. Artfldgr Says:

    there were no men, women wouldn’t be able to maintain a civilization without them.

    long before that they would be over run by people who havent softened their military at all.

    ah, but then, the femnazies will have a real project on their hands. they will find out the truth, the same way that freda utley did.
    [i recommend THE DREAM WE LOST, there is other interesting things like her writings on the middle east and simiarities to china)

  8. Artfldgr Says:

    there were no men, women wouldn’t be able to maintain a civilization without them.

    long before that they would be over run by people who havent softened their military at all.

    ah, but then, the femnazies will have a real project on their hands. they will find out the truth, the same way that freda utley did.
    [i recommend THE DREAM WE LOST, there is other interesting things like her writings on the middle east and simiarities to china)

  9. Artfldgr Says:

    there were no men, women wouldn’t be able to maintain a civilization without them.

    long before that they would be over run by people who havent softened their military at all.

    ah, but then, the femnazies will have a real project on their hands. they will find out the truth, the same way that freda utley did.
    [i recommend THE DREAM WE LOST, there is other interesting things like her writings on the middle east and simiarities to china)

  10. Male Chauvinist Woman Says:

    long before that they would be over run by people who havent softened their military at all.

    Of course, but I meant if there were no men on earth at all. That’s the only way women could maintain dominance.

  11. Male Chauvinist Woman Says:

    long before that they would be over run by people who havent softened their military at all.

    Of course, but I meant if there were no men on earth at all. That’s the only way women could maintain dominance.

  12. Male Chauvinist Woman Says:

    long before that they would be over run by people who havent softened their military at all.

    Of course, but I meant if there were no men on earth at all. That’s the only way women could maintain dominance.

  13. Mr Zopo Says:

    Patriarchy was the pinnacle of evolution, matriarchy is a synonym for primitive societies.

  14. Mr Zopo Says:

    Patriarchy was the pinnacle of evolution, matriarchy is a synonym for primitive societies.

  15. Mr Zopo Says:

    Patriarchy was the pinnacle of evolution, matriarchy is a synonym for primitive societies.

  16. Matt Says:

    Nice post. As someone with no personal use for men you're displaying an immense amount of intellectual honesty suggesting living in a patriarchy.I don't think women will be convinced to accept a patriarchy from the argument "men won't hurt you if they own you." I still think most women would prefer the solution "marginalize men" to solve the violence problem even if it is less practical.

  17. Female Misogynist Says:

    Matt,That is why I write this blog for a male audience, rather than going to feminist blogs and trying to reason with women there.And thank you, very much, for the kind words!

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